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After reading reviews from others, I opted to pay the $90 to have the small standing desk https://www.fezibo.com/collections/small-standing-desk assembled upon delivery. Two very nice gentlemen came in and set it up, which took them about two hours. They did a great job, though, and were great to have as, albeit paid, guests in our home. The best ergonomic office chair https://www.fezibo.com/collections/ergonomic-chairs itself was everything that I had hoped for. I was a bit nervous about how cheesy the "rustic brown" color would be, having seen REALLY bad attempts at making something look like wood in the past, but I am so glad that I took a chance and selected it. Though I've only had one full day so far, so I can't speak to the mechanical longevity yet, thus far, I absolutely love the desk.できません
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