When it comes to sex dolls, the first thing that should be mentioned is the inflatable dolls. The inflatable dolls were invented by Germany during World War II in order to meet the needs of soldiers. The inflatable dolls had not yet come into play before Germany lost the war and the Sex dolls are the perfect investment for you, with them you have countless perfect sex and a lover with the perfect body of your dreams, they don't complain about your personality and financial situation, their faces and The body is always perfect, they don't get fat or ugly, they always stay in good shape. When you receive your sex doll, of course it is very exciting. If you are buying a sex doll for the first time, how to use your sex doll correctly is also very important. If you can use your sex doll correctly , then you can have a more perfect experience.To help you we have written this sex doll guide to teach you how to get along and have sex with your sex doll better. If you can read the following article carefully, it is a good start for you to use the sex doll correctly. https://www.newrealdoll.com/most-expensive-sex-doll.html World War II ended.What really makes it play a role is the United States, we can find the figure of the inflatable doll in the previous American TV series more or less, which makes many people think the sex dolls are all inflatable dolls. https://www.newrealdoll.com/asian-sex-doll.html Silicone sex dolls have a more realistic appearance, making them look more like real people. This kind of silicone sex dolls are often favored by photographers. If you are looking for the perfect face of the doll and the degree of hyper-realistic simulation, I suggest you choose silicone. For sex dolls, silicone material is a high-end material, it is often used in medical applications, so it has good heat resistance, durability, and is not easy to deform.Therefore, sex dolls made of silicone material have a longer life and can accompany you for a longer time. Correspondingly, its price will be higher. https://www.newrealdoll.com/cheap-sex-doll.html There are several techniques to consider when cleaning your doll. The most efficient method is usually using your shower or bath tub. Depending on your confidence with lifting and positioning the doll, we recommend using a light sponge alongside antibacterial soap to gently wash your doll.Please use light pressure when washing your doll. Preserving the skin is the most important part ,so make sure you don’t get carried away while rubbing her body. If washing your doll, it is important that the neck and head do not get too wet, or submerged under water, as this could cause rust build up in the neck screws.The market also considers that the head of the doll cannot get too much water, so you can disassemble the head of the doll when cleaning, which is more convenient. https://www.newrealdoll.com/sino-doll.html When you browse newlovedoll.com and choose a sex doll of your choice, when you place an order, after a period of shipping, the girl of your dreams finally arrives with you, I think you must be very excited and excited. To meet her, you must remove that heavy layer of packaging. So you must be careful to follow the correct steps to ensure that the doll will not be accidentally injured. https://www.newrealdoll.com
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